We make every effort to ensure the hotel's accessibility for all of our guests.
For your convenience, the following accessibility arrangements are available for use at the hotel:
Disabled parking
Guests with disabilities have 3 reserved parking spaces available for use.
Guests with a valid vehicle badge are entitled to free parking for the entire duration of their stay.
Public disabled services
Restrooms are situated on the ground level.
Toilets stalls are equipped with folding handles and outward-opening doors.
An (inspirational loop) is available for guests with hearing impairments.
The reception desk is lowered and adjusted.
The hotel elevator is wheelchair accessible, has a public address system, and button-faces include braille messaging.
Swimming Pool
There is a wheelchair accessible entry to the pool. A wheelchair lift has also been installed inside the pool.
The hotel restaurant
A wheelchair accessible passage leads to the hotel restaurant entry. Professional staff is on hand to assist guests with disabilities.
Dedicated rooms for the disabled
Hearing aid kits for use in rooms are available to guests.
Dedicated rooms for the disabled have a double or twin beds. It is possible to adjust the desired bed height.
Bathrooms have showers, hoses, and drain holes.
Bathrooms are are accessible for wheelchair maneuvering.
Extra services
At the request of the guests, bed heights may be adjusted as desired and furniture may be moved and/or re-positioned.
The hotel staff provides guidance and assistance to guests with visual impairments.
The guest rooms are equipped with dedicated TV sets that include subtitles.
The hall and meeting rooms feature handicap-accessible furniture.
For your convenience, the following accessibility arrangements are available for use at the hotel:
Disabled parking
Guests with disabilities have 3 reserved parking spaces available for use.
Guests with a valid vehicle badge are entitled to free parking for the entire duration of their stay.
Public disabled services
Restrooms are situated on the ground level.
Toilets stalls are equipped with folding handles and outward-opening doors.
An (inspirational loop) is available for guests with hearing impairments.
The reception desk is lowered and adjusted.
The hotel elevator is wheelchair accessible, has a public address system, and button-faces include braille messaging.
Swimming Pool
There is a wheelchair accessible entry to the pool. A wheelchair lift has also been installed inside the pool.
The hotel restaurant
A wheelchair accessible passage leads to the hotel restaurant entry. Professional staff is on hand to assist guests with disabilities.
Dedicated rooms for the disabled
Hearing aid kits for use in rooms are available to guests.
Dedicated rooms for the disabled have a double or twin beds. It is possible to adjust the desired bed height.
Bathrooms have showers, hoses, and drain holes.
Bathrooms are are accessible for wheelchair maneuvering.
Extra services
At the request of the guests, bed heights may be adjusted as desired and furniture may be moved and/or re-positioned.
The hotel staff provides guidance and assistance to guests with visual impairments.
The guest rooms are equipped with dedicated TV sets that include subtitles.
The hall and meeting rooms feature handicap-accessible furniture.